Selasa, 20 Oktober 2009

Tugas Inquery B.Inggris Translate B.Indonesia

PT.Satria Jaya Motor
Jln.Mulawarman no 162

Kepada : PT.Kencana Jaya
Jln.Raden Patah No 21

Hal : Penawaran Sepeda motor VARIO

Yth Tuan,

Kami melihat iklan di harian kompas, kalau anda sedang membutuhkan 20 unit sepeda motor.

Pada kesempatan inin kami ingin memperkenalkan perusahaan kami "Prima Motorcycle" dan
menawarkan kepada anda sepeda motor dengan merek "VARIO" dengan tipe dan harga yang

Kami lamprkan tipe-tipe dan harga Vario motor ,jika anda tertarik untuk membeli sepeda motor
di bulan oktober 2009, kami memberikan hadiah 1 Hp CDMA untuk setiap unitnya.

Terima kasih atas perhatiannya dan kami tunggu untuk kerjasama dengan perusahaan anda
dalam waktu dekat.

Atas perhatiannya, kami ucapkan terima kasih.

Hormat Kami,

Bambang Jatmiko S.H

Tugas B.Inggris

PT.Satria Jaya Motor
Jln.Mulawarman No 162

To : PT.Kencana Jaya
Jln.Raden Patah No 21

Subject:Offer of"VARIO"Motorcyle

Dear Sirs,

We noticed your advertisement in daily kompas that your are looking for 20 units motorcycle
in your company.

We would like to take this opportunity to introduce our company,"Satria Jaya Motor"and offer
you our motorcyle with the brand "VARIO"which come with various types and competitive price.

We enclosed herewith the types and price list of the said VARIO motorcyle.
If you are interested to purchase these motorcycles in OCTOBER 2009, we would provide a gift of one CDMA Hanphone for each unit.

Thank you very much for your kind attention and we are looking forward for a cooperation with your company in the near future.

Your faviurable reply is higly apprecciated.

Your faithfully,

Bambang Jatmiko S.H